When Should You Bring in a WordPress Consultant?

Posted by  Dhiraj Suthar - Jun 03, 202410 Min readWordpress


WordPress, a widely embraced content management system (CMS), empowers more than 43% of websites globally due to its user-friendly interface and rich plugin ecosystem, which makes it a favored choice among businesses and individuals.

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Headless CMS with Gatsby

Posted by  Dhiraj Suthar - May 20, 202410 Min readGatsby


The freedom of visualization and presentation. Since the backend (body), which is the data and the content, exists without a fixed frontend (head), you’re free to choose the framework and way you wish to connect the backend with the frontend.

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Hire the Right React Developers: Updated Guide for 2024

Posted by  Ritesh Vatwani - May 01, 202410 Min readReact


In today’s fast-paced digital world, a strong development team is vital for meeting customer expectations. That’s why hiring top-notch ReactJS developers goes beyond just looking at resumes. It requires a thorough and thoughtful screening process with complete transparency.

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How to Boost the Performance of Your Gatsby Website

Posted by  Ritesh Vatwani - Apr 13, 202410 Min readGatsby


Imagine that your next project requires serving a high-traffic audience with highly-coveted pieces of content every single day. Now, imagine that you are tasked with creating content and managing the user interface in the least amount of time and resources. 

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Elevating your B2B e-commerce with Shopify B2B

Posted by  Rajan Soni - Apr 03, 202410 Min readShopify


Sell more, sell rapidly, and sell smartly. Successful B2B marketers want to achieve that. But not many know how to. What if, however, we told you that Shopify could offer the answers needed to accomplish that E-commerce has become a crucial component of B2B (business-to-business) transactions in the current digital era.

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Migration from Wix to Shopify

Posted by  Ritesh Vatwani - Mar 22, 202410 Min readShopify


Shopify and Wix are neck-to-neck in the race toward being the CMS of choice. As per the Core Web Vitals report, the performance of Shopify is ahead of Wix, with the former displaying an impressive 56.17% and the latter scoring 55.07%, respectively.

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What’s the Best Price for Hiring a Shopify Expert?

Posted by  Rajan Soni - Mar 13, 202410 Min readShopify


Shopify, with its user-friendly interface and vast app store, has become a popular platform for businesses of all sizes to launch and manage their online stores. Statistics show that Shopify powers millions of online businesses with over 2.1 million monthly users.

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Upgrade to Checkout Extensibility: New Way to Customize Your Shopify Checkout and Boost Sales in 2024

Posted by  Rajan Soni - Feb 01, 202410 Min readShopify


Checkout is the most sensitive customer touchpoint. Efficient customer checkouts usually clock higher conversions as compared to clunky, cluttered checkout interfaces.

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Supercharge Your E-commerce: The Top Email Marketing Apps for Shopify Success

Posted by  Rajan Soni - Nov 09, 202310 Min readShopify


Email marketing is still relevant, contrary to popular opinion floating on the internet right now. In fact, numbers say that for every dollar you spend on email marketing campaigns, the average return on investment could be as much as $ 32.

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User-Generated Content on Social Media: Building Trust and Credibility

Posted by  Ritesh Vatwani - Oct 10, 202310 Min readSocial Media


Today, trust and credibility are crucial for potential customers in the consideration stage of their buyer’s journey. A key question businesses should be asking at this stage is how prospects decide what information is considered valuable or credible.

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