Laravel and Vue.js: Building Interactive and Real-time Applications

Posted by Rajan Soni - Aug 09, 2023 10 Min readJavascript


Integrating Laravel And Vue.js: An Introduction To Building Apps

Read on to explore the applications and benefits of integrating Laravel and Vue.js frameworks for application development.

When creating a new project, are you sick of using legacy frameworks and out-of-date ideas?

Don’t you wish there were a more effective approach to carrying out routine tasks?

If yes, you should learn how to use Laravel with Vue.js to create interactive, real-time applications. Laravel and Vue.Js, two potent open-source PHP & JavaScript frameworks that have recently swept the PHP community off its feet, are the ideal pairing for your upcoming project.

The internet is being used for more than just finding information. Now, you can run sophisticated programs on it. Powerful web frameworks like Laravel and Vue.js, which allow you to assemble enterprise application development utilizing the Model-View-Controller architecture, are at the core of those applications.

The Value Of Combining The Two Technologies

The powerful PHP framework Laravel offers many tools for creating online apps. It is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which enables programmers to divide their code into logical sections. On the other hand, the JavaScript front-end package Vue.js offers reactive views for dynamic applications.

A better user experience, lower maintenance costs, and easier scaling are just a few benefits of combining these two technologies. Because their strengths and shortcomings complement one another, Laravel and Vue.js function well together.

While Vue focuses on constructing user interfaces (UI), Laravel excels at building APIs, managing data storage and processing, interacting with various databases, delivering emails, etc.

Benefits of Combining Laravel and Vue.js

Laravel development is a reliable PHP framework made for creating apps with clear code, simple authentication, and intuitive routing.

Combining these two frameworks has shown to be successful, as the resulting apps benefit from their strong interactivity and real-time updates:

Seamless Integration

The rapid development of large-scale apps is made possible by the seamless interaction of Vuejs development with Laravel.

When you already know how to utilize both of them separately, you don’t need to waste time learning additional frameworks or languages. Instead, start developing your project!

Efficiency And Scalability

Built on top of PHP, Laravel was created from the ground up with great performance and scalability in mind. It employs Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ideas like polymorphism and encapsulation to simplify writing clean, spaghetti-free code.

Because of its modular nature, we can create complicated projects with minimum code. Because of this, scaling our application when we need more resources or want to add new features to our project is simple for us.

User-Friendly And Accessible

Both frameworks are simple to learn since they employ well-known syntaxes and building blocks that anyone who has used other programming languages would immediately be familiar with.

As a result, beginners don’t have to spend time learning complicated new concepts or syntaxes before they can begin using them to build projects!

Building Interactive Front-End With Vue.js

A progressive JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces is called vue.js. It provides easy and adaptable APIs for data-reactive components.

Vue.Js development components can be combined into independent, self-contained units to create intricate, feature-rich user interfaces. Parts have their behaviour, template, and style. We can build highly reusable, decoupled, composable UI components because they can also encapsulate their subcomponents.

Vue.js uses the concepts of data and view models to distinguish between the view and application logic layers clearly. While the view model represents how your data appears in the DOM, the data model represents the overall state of your application. It is possible to simply update or modify one layer without impacting the other side of your software because the two layers are kept apart.

Any contemporary front-end framework, including Vue.js, is built on components. These HTML tags can include logic and markup, and they can communicate with one another using data binding or event handling.

Vue components come in three different categories:

  • Directives
  • Components
  • Nested Components:

Vue offers a straightforward learning curve and requires little configuration right out of the box. As a result, it provides a wonderful alternative when beginning front-end development or when you need to quickly prototype something without greatly enlarging your codebase.

Laravel Back-End Development

The PHP framework Laravel has several tools and capabilities that may be used to create cutting-edge websites and online apps. The Laravel framework has developed over time to include increasingly sophisticated capabilities like routing, sessions, authentication, and caching.

The Lumen microframework’s core package has capabilities for constructing a RESTful API. However, this can be enhanced further by utilizing other community-developed or bespoke packages.

Models, Views, and Controllers make up its three primary parts. Models represent the data in your application; views represent the display of that data; and controllers handle any requests for data from the user interface. They then interpret the data and return it to the relevant view(s).

The framework comes with a lot of typical features, including:

  • Routing: Laravel routes functions in your application to URLs that serve as maps. You can organize all of your definitions into a single file or separate them into different files.
  • Eloquent ORM: Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper that powers Laravel’s database layer. PHP database queries are relatively simple with Eloquent.
  • Middleware: With Laravel middleware, you can set up callbacks to execute either ahead of or following a request’s processing by the server. In addition to other things, middleware can be used for CSRF prevention and rate restriction.

Laravel And Vue.js Integration

Vue.js is supported by Laravel out of the box, making integration simple. Vue components are available for usage in templates, and your application can even use Vue as a different view layer.

There are some adjustments you must make on Laravel’s end. Nevertheless, if you wish to use Vue as the primary view layer, installing the application’s necessary dependencies will be our first step.

The Vue CLI tool will then be installed, and a new Laravel project will be created so that we may scaffold our front-end application. Then, by building some fundamental code for both the front end and the back end of the program, we will go over how to combine them seamlessly:

  • Front-end – To allow users to provide us feedback or suggestions for our app, the front-end will include a straightforward contact form with validation filters applied;
  • Back-end – The back-end will include CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) to store data from the forms that users send through REST API calls.

Real-Time Applications Using Vue.js And Laravel Echo (Broadcasting)

A new library for creating real-time apps is called Laravel Echo. It offers a straightforward API for disseminating events via WebSockets and a sophisticated syntax for registering for those events in your JavaScript application.

Laravel Echo offers a clean and hassle-free API integration for broadcasting events from your application to every browser. Every event is transmitted with a distinct identification, enabling all linked clients to look out for and react to particular scenarios.

The vue-echo package allows components of Vue.js to listen for and respond to real-time events. All component props are automatically registered as Vuex actions by this package and then made accessible as $emit() events via the events.

Performance And Security

As developers see how simple it is to create expressive, high-performing, and scalable apps using Laravel and Vue.js, their aspects require emphasis:

Code Splitting

You can load only the portions of the code required at any given time by using code splitting. This results in a lighter server load and quicker user loading times.

Lazy Loading

When a page loads, you can use “lazy loading” to download data from a remote source only when needed. This decreases page size, enhancing search ranking and speeding up your application.


Data can be locally stored with caching so that it never needs to be retrieved from an external source. Removing pointless calls to databases or other resources speeds up page loading and lowers bandwidth usage.

Security Aspects

Due to their shared use of PHP and JavaScript, Laravel and Vue.js are vulnerable to attacks. Common security flaws can be avoided in several ways, including:

  • Using HTTPS on all websites (even local development).
  • Putting Content Security Policy (CSP) into practice for all websites, including those being developed locally.
  • Employing a strong password hashing algorithm.

It is crucial to remember that security best practices should develop in any application:

  • Secure Coding Techniques: It ensures that all input data is checked before the application uses it. Strict type checking, data validation, and other methods can accomplish this.
  • Input Validation: Before being processed by your application, it verifies that user input does not contain malicious code or other potentially damaging information. Regular expressions and technologies like JavaScript’s sanitizing function can be used for input validation.

Wrapping Up

Both Laravel and Vue.js are useful development tools, but now it’s even better because these strong tools together can aid in real-time application development. They can be used to build interactive apps if you are a front-end or back-end developer.

Thanks to these wonderful new views, users can instantly engage with front-end components, and developers can easily change the back-end code. If you are looking to build scalable software, then contact us.

Posted by  Rajan Soni - Aug 09, 202310 Min readJavascript

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